LI.FI 2.0 Expansion.
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Swap, Bridge, Send Messages
Bridge & DEX aggregation across 14 chains
Trustless cross-chain data messaging
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Why you would start with us
Bridging & Swappping
Bridging is often not enough. Get access to all chains and all DEXes.
Smart Routing
We'll identify the best - safest, fastest, cheapest routes.
Multi-Asset Swaps
Swap multiple assets into the one desired, on-chain & cross-chain.
Data Messaging
Arbitrary contract calls on the destination chain, cross-chain strategies.
Security Oriented
Want to learn more about how we tackle security? Let's talk.
Your security preferences: whitelist, blacklist and preferred routing. We consult, you choose.
Enterprise Support
High scalability, insights, we get it. Fill out this form to get in touch.
Contact us
Large volumes and a huge user base? Let us stand by your side.
Let us help you see. Monitoring, analytics, complex queries, dashboards.